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Auditory Sensitive Period Timing and Language Development in Infants
with Prior GABA-ergic Drug Exposure

Presenter: Kelsie Lopez

Yearly, 1-2 million infants undergo general anesthesia (GA) during medical procedures in the
United States, with some procedures necessitating sedation for days at a time. Research in animal
models suggests that a critical way GA exposure in early life impacts development is by accelerating
sensitive periods in the brain. How and when GA exposure influences human sensitive periods
remains a critical open question to inform risk for maladaptive development in this population…


The HAPPE plus Event-Related (HAPPE+ER) Software: A Standardized Processing Pipeline for Event-Related Potential Analyses

Presenter: Alexa Monachino

Event-Related Potential (ERP) designs are a common method for interrogating neurocognitive function in infancy with electroencephalography (EEG). However, the gold
standard of preprocessing infant ERP data is manual-editing – a subjective, time-consuming
processes. A number of automated pipelines have recently been created to address the need for standardization, automation, and quantification of EEG data processing…