The Music@Home-Retrospective Scale

Download the scale and scoring here!

Nick Kathios *, Kelsie L. Lopez *, Laurel Joy Gabard-Durnam ^, Psyche Loui ^

* shared first authorship, ^ shared senior authorship

What age range is validated for Music@Home-Retrospective scale?

We have validated the scale with samples ranging from 18 - 66 year olds in the United States

What is the test-retest validity for Music@Home-Retrospective scale?

Coming soon!

How does this scale differ from the Music@Home scale?

The Music@Home-Retrospective is a scale for adult participants to complete about their own developmental experiences growing up.

The Music@Home-Retrospective asks about the music environment adults recall when they were 6 -12 years old.

In addition to subscales that exist in the original Music@Home scale (Caregiver Beliefs, Caregiver Initiation of Singing, Child Engagement with Music), the Music@Home-Retrospective scale includes two new subscales to characterize the music environment in childhood: Social Listening Contexts and Attitude towards Childhood Musical Environment.

How do I credit the Music@Home-Retrospective Scale?

Please cite the authors provided above and stay tuned for a preprint of the Music@Home-Retrospective scale construction and validation manuscript coming fall 2023!