
All articles below are provided for educational and personal use only.


Lopez, K.L., Monachino, A.D., Morales, S., Leach, S.C., Bowers, M.E., Gabard-Durnam. L.J.(2022) HAPPILEE: HAPPE In Low Electrode Electroencephalography, a standardized pre-processing software for lower density recordings. Neuroimage. PDF


Romeo, R.R., Choi, B., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Wilkinson, C., Levin, A.R., Rowe, M.L., Tager-Flusberg, H., Nelson, C.A. Parental language input predicts neuroscillatory patterns associated with language development in infants at risk of Autism. (in press). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Mariscal, M.G.*, Levin, A.R.*, Gabard-Durnam L.J., Xie, W., Tager-Flusberg, H., Nelson, C.A. Developmental changes in EEG phase amplitude coupling and phase preference over the first three years after birth. (in press). ENeuro.


McLaughlin, K. & L.J. Gabard-Durnam. (2020, in press) Experience-Driven Plasticity and the Emergence of Psychopathology: A Mechanistic Framework Integrating Development and the Environment into the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Model. Journal of Abnormal Psychology.

Gabard-Durnam, L.J & K. McLaughlin. (2020, in press). Sensitive periods in human development: Charting a course for the future. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. PDF

Nelson, C.A. & Gabard-Durnam, L.J. (2020) Early adversity and critical periods: neurodevelopmental consequences of violating the expectable environment. Trends in Neurosciences, 43: 133-143. PDF


Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Wilkinson, C., Kapur, K., Tager-Flusberg, H., Levin, A., Nelson, C.A. (2019) EEG power in the first year of life best predicts autism outcomes: a longitudinal assessment across the first three years. Nature Communications, 10: 4188. PDF

Gabard-Durnam, L.J., McLaughlin, K.A. (2019) Do sensitive periods exist for exposure to adversity? Biological Psychiatry, 85: 789-791. PDF

Wilkinson, C., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Kapur, K., Tager-Flusberg, H., Levin, A., Nelson, C.A. (2019). Use of longitudinal EEG measures in estimating language development in infants with and without familial risk for autism spectrum disorder. Neurobiology of Language, 1: 33-53. PDF

Valdes, V., Zorilla, C., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Muler, N., Rahman, Z., Rivera, D., Nelson, C.A. (2019). Cognitive development of infants exposed to the Zika virus in San Juan, Peurto Rico. JAMA Network Open, 2. PDF

Wilkinson, C., Levin, A., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Tager-Flusberg, H., Nelson, C.A. (2019) Reduced frontal gamma power at 24 months is associated with better expressive language in toddlers at risk for Autism. Autism Research, 12: 1211-1244. PDF

Callaghan, B., Gee, D., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Telzer, E., Humphreys, K., Goff, B., Shapiro, M., Flannery, J., Lumian, D., Fareri, D., Caldera, C., Tottenham, N. (2019) Decreased amygdala reactivity to parent cues protects against anxiety following early adversity: an examination across 3 years. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 4: 664-671. PDF

Callaghan, B., Fields, A., Gee, D.G., Gabard-Durnam, L., Caldera, C., Humphreys, K., Goff, B., Flannery, J., Telzer, E., Shapiro, M., Tottenham, N. (2019) Mind and gut: associations between mood and gastrointestinal distress in children exposed to adversity. Development and Psychopathology, 32: 309-328. PDF


Gabard-Durnam, L.J.*, O’Muircheartaigh, J.*, Dirks, H., Dean III, D.C., Tottenham, N., Deoni, S. (2018) Human amygdala functional network development: a cross-sectional study from 3 months to 5 years of age. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 34: 63-74. PDF

Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Mendez Leal, A., Levin, A. (2018). The Harvard Automated Processing Pipeline for Electroencephalography (HAPPE): standardized processing software for developmental and high-artifact data. Frontiers in Neuroscience: Brain Imaging Methods, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00097. PDF

Humphreys, K. L., Gabard-Durnam, L., Goff, B., Telzer, E. H., Flannery, J., Gee, D. G., Park, V., Lee, S. S., Tottenham, N. (2018). Friendship and social functioning following early institutional rearing: The role of ADHD symptoms. Development and Psychopathology, 1-11. PDF

Levin, A., Mendez Leal, A., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., O’Leary, H. (2018) The Batch Electroencephalography Automated Processing Platform (BEAPP). Frontiers in Neuroscience: Brain Imaging Methods doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00513. PDF

Odriozola, P., Dajani, D.R., Burrows, C.A., Uddin, L.Q., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Tottenham, N., Gee, D.G. (2018). Atypical frontoamygdala functional connectivity in youth with autism. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 37. PDF


Tottenham, N. & Gabard-Durnam, L.J. The developing amygdala: a student of the world and a teacher of the cortex. (2017) Current Opinion in Psychology 17: 55-60. PDF

Fareri D.S., Gabard-Durnam L.J., Goff B., Flannery J., Gee D.G., Lumian D.S., Caldera C., Tottenham N. (2017) Altered ventral striatal-medial prefrontal cortex resting-state connectivity mediates adolescent social problems after early institutional care. Development and Psychopathology 29: 1865- 1876. PDF

Flannery, J., Gabard-Durnam, L., Shapiro, M., Goff, B., Caldera, C., Louie, J., Gee, D., Telzer, E., Humphreys, K., Lumian, D., Tottenham, N. (2017) Diurnal Cortisol after Early Institutional Care-Age Matters. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 25: 160-166. PDF

VanTieghem, M., Gabard-Durnam, L., Goff, B., Flannery, J., Humphreys, K., Telzer, E., Caldera, C., Louie, J., Shapiro, M., Bolger, N., Tottenham, N. (2017) Positive valence bias and parent-child relationship security moderate the association between early institutional caregiving and internalizing symptoms. Development and Psychopathology 29: 519-533. PDF

Silvers, J.A., Goff, B., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Gee, D.G., Fareri, D.S, Caldera, C., Tottenham, N. (2017) Vigilance, the amygdala, and anxiety in youth with a history of institutional care. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and NeuroImaging 2: 493-501. PDF


Gabard-Durnam, L.*, Gee, D.G.*, Goff, B., Flannery, J., Telzer, E., Humphreys, K., Lumian, D., Fareri, D.S., Caldera, C., Tottenham, N. (2016) Stimulus-elicited connectivity influences resting-state connectivity years later in human development: a prospective study. Journal of Neuroscience 36: 4771-4784. PDF

* authors contributed equally

Silvers, J., Lumian, D., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Gee, D., Goff, B., Fareri, D., Caldera, C., Flannery, J., Telzer, E., Humphreys, K., Tottenham, N. (2016) Previous institutionalization is followed by broader amygdala-hippocampal-PFC network connectivity during aversive learning in human development. Journal of Neuroscience 36: 6420-6430. PDF

Humphreys, K. L., Telzer, E. H., Flannery, J., Goff, B., Gabard-Durnam, L., Gee, D. G., Lee, S. S., Tottenham, N. (2016) Risky decision-making from childhood through adulthood: Contributions of learning and sensitivity to negative feedback. Emotion 16: 101-109. PDF

Green, S., Goff, B., Gee, D.G., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Flannery, J., Telzer, E., Humphreys, K.L., Louie, J., Tottenham, N. (2016) Discrimination of amygdala response predicts future separation anxiety in youth with early deprivation. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 57: 1135-1144. PDF


Gabard-Durnam, L., Tierney, A., Vogel-Farley, V., Tager-Flusberg, H., Nelson, C. (2015) Alpha asymmetry in infants at risk for autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 45: 473-480. PDF

Fareri, D.S., Gabard-Durnam, L., Goff, B., Flannery, J., Gee, D.G., Lumian, D.S., Caldera, C., Tottenham, N. (2015) Normative development of ventral striatal resting-state connectivity in humans. NeuroImage 118: 422-437. PDF

Telzer, E.H., Flannery, J., Humphreys, K.L., Goff, B., Gabard-Durman, L., Gee, D.G., Tottenham, N. (2015) “The Cooties Effect”: Amygdala reactivity to opposite- versus same-sex faces declines from childhood to adolescence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27: 1685-1696. PDF

Humphreys, K. L., Lee, S. S., Telzer, E. H., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Goff, B., Flannery, J., Tottenham, N. (2015) Exploration-exploitation strategy is dependent on early experience. Developmental Psychobiology 57: 313-321. PDF


Gabard-Durnam, L., Flannery, J., Goff, B., Gee, D., Telzer, E., Humphreys, K., Hare, T., Tottenham, N. (2014) The development of human amygdala-cortical functional connectivity at rest from 4 to 23 years: a cross-sectional study. NeuroImage 95: 193-207. PDF

Gee, D.G.*, Gabard-Durnam, L.*, Telzer, E.H., Humphreys, K.L., Goff, B., Shapiro, M., Flannery, J., Lumian, D.S., Fareri, D.S., Caldera, C., Tottenham, N. (2014) Maternal buffering of human amygdala-prefrontal circuitry during childhood. Psychological Science 25: 2067-2078. PDF

* authors contributed equally


Gee, D.G., Gabard-Durnam, L., Flannery, J., Goff, B., Humphreys, K.L., Telzer, E.H., Hare, T.A., Bookheimer, S.Y., Tottenham, N. (2013) Early Developmental Emergence of Human AmygdalaPFC Connectivity after Maternal Deprivation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110: 15638–15643. PDF

Telzer, E., Flannery, J., Shapiro, M., Humphreys, K., Goff, B., Gabard-Durnam, L., Gee, D., Tottenham, N. (2013) Early experience shapes amygdala sensitivity to race: an international adoption design. Journal of Neuroscience 33: 13484-13488. PDF

Tottenham, N., Phuong, J., Flannery, J., Gabard-Durnam, L., Goff, B. (2013) A negativity bias for ambiguous facial expression valence during childhood: Converging evidence from behavior and facial corrugator muscle responses. Emotion 13: 92-103. PDF

Goff, B., Gee, D., Telzer, E., Humphreys, K., Gabard-Durnam, L., Flannery, J., Tottenham, N. (2013) Reduced nucleus accumbens reactivity and depression following early-life stress. Neuroscience 249: 129-138. PDF


Tierney, A.L., Gabard-Durnam, L., Vogel-Farley, V., Tager-Flusberg, H., Nelson, C.A. (2012) Developmental Trajectories of resting EEG power: an endophenotype of autism spectrum disorder. PLOS one 7: e39127. PDF